2022 Opportunities

2022 will mark the third season of the Bassmaster B.A.S.S. Nation Kayak Series powered by TourneyX. We look forward to growing our Kayak Series partnership with Old Town with the opportunities outlined ahead for 2022:
Option 1: Continuation of the 2021 Print and Digital Plan
Option 2: Digital Plan with Custom Kayak Video Series
Additional Considerations:
Title Sponsorship of the Bassmaster Kayak Series Angler of the Year Award
Go Out{side} Channel Sponsorship
Print coverage of series and partner promotion via logo or text mention in both Bassmaster and B.A.S.S. Times
Digital coverage of series and partner promotion via logo or text mention on Bassmaster.com Kayak Series hub page
Promotion via logo or text to include eblasts, annoucements at tournaments, and press campaign
Bonus 1/3 page ad in kayak section (issue TBD).
Logo on jumbotron at awards presentation at the Classic and logo on signage at other events
Opportunity to provide product samples, prizes or coupons to competitors at event registrations
Tournament logo usage rights

Option 1: Print & Digital

Option 1: Print Plan Overview
One 2022 B.A.S.S. Times full page tab ad
May 2021 issue, cover shown left plus ad page plus adjacent edit page below
685,000* readership
$7,500 net investment
*Publisher's estimate

Option 1: Digital Plan Overview
Tournament Package with Angler Spotlight
Kayak Package
Social Media: B.A.S.S. Nation Kayak Series
Social Package
Comprehensive Banner Rotation
2022 Option 1 Digital Plan
Total Investment: $33,300
Total Estimated Impressions: 2.76MM
Option 2:
Option 2: Custom Kayak Video Series + Digital Plan
Custom Kayak Video Series, outlined below
Tournament Package with Angler Spotlight
Kayak Package
Social Media: B.A.S.S. Nation Kayak Series
Social Package
Comprehensive Banner Rotation
2022 Option 2 Digital Plan
Total Investment: $50,000
Total Estimated Impressions: 3.58MM

Custom Kayak Video Series
Kayak tournaments resonate with a sense of community among the anglers. They camp together, share meals, gear and knowledge. It's a close-knit fraternity for the most part, with the group interaction and fellowship running parallel with the spirit of the competition. We tell this story in a series of 3:00ish videos.
Video #1: Lifestyle focus on what goes on off the water at a kayak event, aka "a day in the life of a kayak tournament angler," showing the fellowship and sense of community among the anglers. Camping, cooking, prepping gear and generally demonstrating a lifestyle snapshot of what makes this group unique and appealing to be part of.
Video #2: Customizing a kayak is a big deal for tournament anglers. They like to "trick out" their kayak to fit their individual style of angling [can't do that in a bass boat]. Take a tour of one or more Old Town anglers to demonstrate the appeal of "customizing" a kayak.
Video #3: Profile one or more Old Town anglers on how they develop a game plan for a tournament, from practice to the competition. More of a personal profile on the angler and his style of fishing, than a step-by-step "how to" video.

2022 Additional Consideration

Title Sponsor of the 2022 Bassmaster Kayak AOY Award
Title Benefits include:
Incorporation of Sponsor name and logo in the Kayak Series AOY Award title
AOY Award coverage and promotion with sponsor mentions and photos, where appropriate, to include:
B.A.S.S. Times magazine: Blurb on the AOY leader with every Kayak Series event story plus a wrap-up story on the winner when the race is done
Bassmaster magazine: Branded sidebar update or recap of AOY in one issue
AOY Kayak standings
Mentions in regular updates on AOY Kayak Series point race
Bassmaster social media posts:
Social post before the first Kayak event in 2022 explaining the Kayak AOY points race
Social posts during the year updating the Kayak Series AOY points race
Sponsor will have the right to distribute promotional items/materials and promote their products to the anglers at the angler registration meeting at all Kayak events
Sponsor will be recognized in all pre- and post- tournament press releases as the Kayak Series AOY Award Title Sponsor
Sponsor branding incorporated into oversized check plus AOY trophy, to be awarded at the Classic Championship in 2023
Winner receives $5k cash prize plus tricked out Kayak supplied by Old Town
Subject to availability at the time of commitment.
Kayak AOY Title Sponsor Investment:
$50,000 net
$5K Fee/$45K Media

Learn. Go. Experience. Share.

2022 Additional Consideration
Go Out{side} Pillars:
Outdoor Cooking

Supporting Partner
Partnership includes sponsorship of one sub-content category within Go Out{side}. Our team will work with each supporting partner to identify key objectives, including:
Content Integration Opportunity: up to 5 pieces of native content (articles, galleries, video)* to be published within Go Out{side} *Supplied by Old Town
Promotion of Go Out{side} content:
Bassmaster.com home page promotion of program launch, editorial series and features
Bassmaster & Go Out{side} Social Promotion
Comprehensive banner rotation (ROS)
Signage and activation opportunities at The Go Out{side} Experience at the 2022 Bassmaster Classic
Brand will have rights to use Go Out{side} content and marks in marketing materials, website and social for the duration of the partnership
Go Out{side} Marketing Support (Pre/Post Launch)
Bassmaster Elite Series Events, including the Classic
Co-branded digital media campaign
Influencer Campaign
*All partnership elements are subject to change
Supporting Partner Investment:
$35,000 net
$10K Fee/$25K Digital Media

2022 Investment Options
Option 1: $71,800
Kayak Series Partner Fee
Classic Booth
Branding via print and online media; onsite marketing
40' x 20'
B.A.S.S. Times, full page tab
Option 2: $81,000
Kayak Series Partner Fee
Classic Booth
Branding via print and online media; onsite marketing
40' x 20'
Bassmaster.com digital plan plus custom video
Additional Considerations
Incremental to 2021 spend
Go Out{side}
Kayak Series AOY Title Sponsor
Go Out{side}
sub channel